Metro Med, the superhero hospital

The Metro Med Staff



Dr. Tyson Lee acts the hotshot stud, pointing out the advantages of being a young doctor with a full head of hair to his older compatriots, but the truth is he is a workaholic with little in the way of a social life. His great-grandfather, Juzo Hirotada, emigrated to America in 1928. In 1942, Juzo took a loyalty oath and moved the family eastward to avoid the internment camps. Tyson keeps mum about his family history at Metro Med. He became a doctor because he didn’t want to take over the family restaurant in Libertyville.

Enthusiastic orderly Zoey Zwecker loves working in Gamma Wing, as she is still star-struck around superheroes.

Nurse Tyrone Anders worked his way through nursing school as a bouncer, preparing him to deal with some of the Gamma Wing’s more unruly patients.

Two decades ago, Chet Clancy was studying for his Doctorate in Medical Physics, but ^$$% @#bhgu y3vaf$*&& *)(*&_ aahfd&*^&^$%%#&afd bxcn^**()(& *(afasd&& ^^ &$ ,m,/m        $%afs #&$#*df& &)(&*pitals to deal with the security and privacy needs of superheroes, eventually taking part in the design and construction of Metro Med. Today, as administrator of the Gamma Wing, Dr. Chet Clancy serves the needs of superheroes and the citizens of the Tri-Metro area. (WEBMASTER'S NOTE: This entry has been corrupted. You'll have to get Metro Med Summer Special #0 to see the original text. )

Psychiatrist Dr. Angela Lucas knows that superheroing brings its own uncommon pressures and challenges which are hard to explain to the average counselor. For this reason, she invites mystery men to participate in “Support Group,” a group therapy system that she has devised. Lucas consults with the doctors in special cases and works with supervillains at Bosemuth Prison.

Dr. Milt Bradford’s position, serving in both E/R and surgery, is unique to Metro Med’s metahuman-focused services. He is an accomplished trauma surgeon and now a specialist in the treatment of superheroes. He has been a guest lecturer at numerous medical conventions and has been profiled in magazines and local television features. Milt is also married, with three children, and has just moved to a gated community in New Athens. Given all of this, he wonders when he will start thinking he’s a grown-up. Milt enjoys Scooby-Doo cartoons and Whitesnake.

Security Chief Jules Howitzer has served as a Navy flyer, a merchant marine and a Bud City cop, and in-between has held a bewildering assortment of odd jobs. Jules’ worldly experience serves him well in securing the hospital from prying paparazzi and other lowlifes who would endanger the vulnerable superpatients. Despite his current income, Jules remains in his crime-ridden hometown of Bud.

Medical resident Dr. Nell Witherspoon has just earned her degree after working at St. Joseph’s in New Athens. A shy native of very rural Georgia, she still finds the Tri-Metro overwhelming.

Nurse Marisa Hoyle is outspoken and gregarious. Her foot-in-mouth disease has cost her several promotions, but the nursing staff loves having her on their side.

Nurse Eddie Bundt is an enigma. Marisa heard that he collects HO gauge trains, but that could be a rumor.

Metro Med, Tri-Metro cities, Metro Med logo and all characters are ™ Michael Hutchison 2004-2011. Metro Med logo design created by R. B. Propst. Character designs by Phil Meadows except where specified.